Hi There Mike it is good to have you back and active !!!!   I sincerely hope 
you are fully back on track.
I think most do not understand how energy works, it comes and goes - it changes 
from minute to minute depending upon what is gong on with the other aspects of 
the body, be it emotions, physical well being, and more - anything out of 
balance is not good, juice fasts, water fasts are all good and beneficial to 
the body for certain maladies, occasions and more - nothing to do with the body 
is a given - this is why I have chosen not to be so aggressive towards doctors 
who think, and play, at being Gods !!!!!    They are trained along certain 
lines and those lines are all in boxes which deter flexibility, change and the 
unexpected !!!!
The are actually working in a loaded mine field !!!!!     I personally think it 
is a huge part of taking responsibility for self that we all educate ourselves 
on how our body works, to become aware of how our body feels at all times, so 
that we can have a good idea of what is wrong - doctors do not live in our 
bodies so how can they really KNOW what is going on with us.    I am very sorry 
to say that this is, in my humble opinion, grossly overlooked and needs to be 
addressed.     In our world of today there is so much good information out 
there on the Internet into which we can tap to get the knowledge we need to 
take care of ourselves that there is little excuse for those who put their 
trust and faith in doctors allowing them to behave and think they are in fact 
God, and taking no responsibility for their own ailments - sorry guys if I have 
stepped on anyone's toes however it is something which I feel very strongly 
about as no doubt this epistle has shown !!!!!    We are very important players 
in our health care !!!!!
Cheers to all
Sandee 🐬
Attitude is everything !!!!!
AliveAgainSilver - Drops & Gel

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