HAHA, love a sense of humour.
Well, many moons ago my old mum decided to take Vit E.  I don't know if she did 
this on her own accord or had spoken to someone about it as I didn't live home, 
but she had a heart attack and karked it in her 59th year.  I do remember when 
I was a teen asking her why she was taking them and she said they were for your 
heart?  I think she may have read too much and decided to self medicate, but 
that Vit E sort of stuck in my memory.
Because she probly started taking them after hitting the 50 or 55 mark who's to 
say it didn't dislodge a form of clot or something from the blood vessel walls 
which enabled it to reach the heart and that's what took her out?  Or perhaps 
she took more than she should have and things went too quick?  Interesting 

From: har...@telus.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS> Blood thinning
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 19:36:11 -0800

The best description I heard from a good source was that Aspirin did not 
thin the blood,it only made the blood slippryer [spell ?],thereby not allowing 
it to clump or clot,or stick to the blood vessel walls..AND Vitamin E does the 
If I may relate what happened to my father back in 1942,[he was 45].He was 
an engineer in the Army,Staff sergeant.Had a severe coronary Occlusion,was 
medically discharged.Our old time Dr.  had him on one Drug only [by script 
in those days ], and it was Vitamin E.He lived until he was 77+.We never even 
knew what Vit. E was before then.
AND,when I came back from England [RCAF] after the war ,I was enjoying [?] 
a form of PTSD ,guess what the same Dr. prescribed for me;you’re right,VITAMIN 
TA DA !!! and I’m still here,big as life and twice as unnatural.
Keep your fingers crossed kiddies.