Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2013 15:22:42 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>Silver Sol>

In the first place, the owner of the germkiller forum is a 'he' not a "she."

## Matters not if the person is a 'he' or 'she'. 
In the second place, he gave a very strict criteria for posting to the silver 
sol subject. We were warned if we did not follow that criteria he would not 
post our comments so clearly you refused to follow the criteria. He told you 
not to be offended if he did not post your comment and that it was nothing 
personal. If you're pissed it's because you want to be pissed, IMO.

## If it's a 'secret squirrel' thing then why was it mentioned in the first 
place?  Fear and preempting backlash maybe?

Thirdly, he never said CS was of no use...he said it worked quite well for 
external uses and as many others have claimed in the past, CS is destroyed by 
stomach acids and is not allowed to reach the intestines. Is this true? I have 
no idea?

## While this stomach acid thing is popular belief, I for one don't believe it 
regardless of what the chemistry books may say.  Things have a tendency to work 
differently in practice to what they do on paper.

Forthly, the owner of the germkiller site was and is not trying to sell a darn 
thing and I take offense of anyone saying such a thing on the word of someone 
who did not even know he was a male or who did not personally read his post.

## It's a free world and everyone should have the freedom to agree, disagree, 
challenge or discuss such matters without doing so under the shadow of a big 
Silver Sol is represented as being a nano product and not CS as we know it. 
I've done some research and suggest others do the same before making comments 
about it....positive or negative. I've personally never tried it so cannot 
speak to it's effectiveness.

## We who understand the difference between so called CS and EIS know that it's 
ALL nano scale, so whatever that 'Silver Sol' stuff is represented as is no 
different to any other product, accept it may contain more particles and may 
not have been produced using LVDC.  Promotors and Marketers throw that word 
'nano' around as if it's something mystical, not dissimilar to how they throw 
that 'CS' tag around when mostly it's a predominantly ionic silver solution, 
exactly what we happen to produce at home on our kitchen table.  Now it appears 
the catch phrase is...Silver Sol?  I've done my research too and suggest the 
promotor of that product research the accepted definition of 'nano' scale.  If 
you've never tried it I'm baffled as why you attempt to defend it, or the 
individual concerned, considering at minimum an equally efficacious product can 
be made for next to nothing on the kitchen table, and requires no mumbo jumbo 
techno babble or fear of discussion to promote it?
If any person refuses to post something, then that's a dead giveaway they 
either have something to hide, or they don't wish to incur the wrath from 
anyone who knows better.  Divide the populous with some secret squirrel 
business mystical terminologies and they mistakingly believe they conquer.

P.S.  Not having a go Sandy, just exercising my freedom to air an opinion in a 
free and open manner <g>.

--- On Sun, 4/28/13, Cyndi <> wrote:

From: Cyndi <>
Subject: CS>Silver Sol
Date: Sunday, April 28, 2013, 7:54 AM

There is a Yahoo group called germkiller which usually sticks to electronic 
currents to heal but the owner of the group just posted that cs is no good, 
that it doesn't do anything taken internally and that we should all be using 
Silver Sol instead. What is it, does anyone know?

She gave a link

When I posted that I've had successes with cs she refused to post that. I'm 
kinda pissed that she would post what she did and not let anyone refute her.


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