If you pinch the little spring hooks which support the arc bars [short 
length of about 16 gauge Ag wire with a loop in one end and the remainder 
gently twisted one around another] closed just enough to slip the wire loop 
over, there are fewer-to-no dropped arc bars.  Not a big  deal anyway, I 
get mine out with a bit of SS wire formed into a hook.   It takes about 10 
seconds.  If you are minimally careful there is no need to jiggle them off 

Any system will be affected by salts from skin.  Wash well before handling 
the electrodes in any system; or use rubber gloves.

Poor documentation?  Could you be more specific?

James Osbourne Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From:   Deborah IN TEXAS [SMTP:thean...@hotmail.com]
Sent:   Thursday, October 21, 1999 5:26 PM
To:     silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject:        Re: CS>Article on HV colloidal silver

Sorry, lost my connection before finishing about article:
Design flaws drops wires into water when you open top and you must fish 
out of your product. Salts off skin will raise conductivity of water and
ruin whole batch.  Another problem, the unit in the generation process 
to heat the water, causing evaporation, lowering the water level causing 
between silver and water to be more than advised and causing overheating 
voiding warranty.  They ended up dunking silver deep in water because the
prescribed 3/16th gap to hard to get correct.
Wrap up:
.Uses less silver, highly effecient
.Does not oxidize the silver, results in cleaner final porduct
.Creates colloidal silver with a long shelf life
.Has built in timer
.Rugged construction, no moving parts except the fan

.Very expensive (900.00 )
.10,000 volts can be dangerous if you are not careful
.Poor documentation
.More difficult to set up and operate than DC unit
.Will not run off batteries.

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