"The page on water testing says "DO NOT BOTHER if you have added anything,
as our equipment will not accurately measure silver content, only total
PPM."  I am guessing the way around this is to send two samples, 1 of water
only and the other c.s.   Subtract the second from the first and that gives
silver ppm?  Would this be the case.


To some extent, that would work, but the simple conductivity tests can not
differentiate what is the material. Say you start with 10 PPM water and run
your process for the desired time you normally use. If the final PPM is still
10PPM, it would mean you made 10 PPM (OR less) of silver salts or 
compounds. What we look for is water that is much less then the desired
end result, such as 1PPM and then process to get 5PPM. Here, you could
be confident you have 5 PPM of silver; as 20% silver compounds and 80%
as ions (or crystals of you have poor controls). 

In our free water testing, we thus ask for samples of both your water and
silver colloid, so we can advise you what you might have made. As others
have explained, the more important consideration is the particle size, as
for the best bio-availability  and reactivity, smaller is better.


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