Okay, I've been on this list for several months.
One of you gents on here was kind enough to analyze some CS I had that was
to be 500 ppm, however, I never did hear anything back from you, and I do not
your name at this time.
My first question today is in regard to making cs. What is really THE best way
of doing it?
I have a small, battery operated unit....does this REALLY make CS that is 10-15
Does this low of ppm really do anything for you? Dr. McCain of The HErbal Healer

Academy has made statements in re. to lower ppm not being effective against
viruses (esp. super strains). What is do you all really believe?
I currently have the flu and nothing has worked against it; not even the herbal
remedies I
usually use. I do not understand why all of a sudden, nothing is making the
symptoms go
away. I'm taking the CS from our small home unit, but it appears to be doing
Please advise.

Steve King wrote:

> Ivan-
> >As Ag+
> >5ppm     1.76     2.8uS
> >10ppm   1.76     5.7uS
> >15ppm   1.77     8.5uS
> >20ppm   1.77   11.3uS
> >25ppm   1.78   14.0uS
> >50ppm   1.79   27.9uS
> I've got a Hanna PWT (0-100uS) meter
> and I'm very interested in
> these figures.  How do I take
> into account the initial TDS of the
> batch water. say for instance I
> start with water that has a TDS of
> 3ppm and then after my run I measure
> 11.3uS?   Do I subract the 3 from
> 20ppm?
> Many thanx,
> Steve King
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>

June Narber Harrison
June's Natural Healing Path

Mailing Address:
PMB 193,
6325-9 Falls of Neuse Road
Raleigh, NC 27615

(919) 839-6930 voice mail
Reflections for Fall 1999
(authored by June)

"Take time for yourself. You can't take care of your family
and others if you do not first take care of yourself."

"It is not wrong to have an opinion. However, it is wrong if
you can not stand behind what it is you say you believe."

"If your house and car looks like a slob zone, what does this
say about the condition of your thoughts and personal standards?"

"Being well groomed IS important. Many people tend to
believe looks should not matter. However, the outer "man" IS a
reflection of inner person."

"What does it say about the individual who can always try to
control others, yet cannot manage or make their own life better?"

"Judge only yourself. You do not know the heart and mind of
any body else. Is it not hard enough to know one's own motives?"

"Health is your most valuable resource.Your doctor is not responsible
for monitoring your health, YOU ARE! Watch your diet, drink
pure water, exercise and take control of your life."

"Our environment IS important. Become a Biblical environmentalist.
Protect God's creation, stand up for protecting our resources from
exploitation, and our animals from abuse in the name of medicine."

"Most commercial drugs are created for the purpose of profit, not
health. Just look at how much doctors are paid to push and prescribe
certain brands!"

"Reality is not always what is perceived by the senses, it is what
is perceived by the heart."

"The gospel is about Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. It is
NOT about money, government, and who gets to control who."

"If you are abused by ANYBODY...Get HELP. Stand up for yourself.
You DO create your own reality. If you do not seek to change
your circumstance, you cannot ask God to do what you are unwilling
to do for yourself. Ask God to BLESS your efforts, not to
do it for you."