
What does Bruce have to say on the matter?
Does the baking soda (CaCO3?) react at all with the silver? If not,
then it will always be present as Ca++ and CO3-- ions and will affect
the reading by the original ppm or uS reading.

Why don't you try adding some cs to reach the same start up reading?


----- Original Message -----
From: Steve King <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, 26 October 1999 23:25
Subject: Re: CS>ppm standard - 1.74PPM/uS

> Ivan-
> >
> >Do you mean 3ppm TDS or 3uS.
> 3ppm
> >I must say that even my dw that has been around for months still
> >1uS.
> I should clarify. The 3ppm is due to the calibration technique
> required by the 3-electrode CS Systems Phaser unit I'm using.
> Baking soda is added to pure water to bring the conductivity up to
> 3ppm (measured by the TDS meter).   The Phaser won't work
> without an initial conductivity that is roughly equivalent
> to 3ppm.
> This initial  3ppmTDS measurement corresponds to 6uS on the PWT
> meter -  which correlates to the conversion that Hanna gave me of
> 1ppm = 2 uS when measuring dissolved solids in water.
> Does this make any sense at all?!!?
> cheers,  Steve King
> >
> >Regards - Ivan

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