I asked Robert Rowen, newsletter writer and board certified physician in  
integrated medicine.  He said that colloidal silver would irritate the  
lining of the bladder, but he offered to teach me to inject ozonated water in  
the bladder.  There is probably still a pocket sized ozone generator sold  on 
_www.amazon.com_ (http://www.amazon.com)  which costs about $69  dollars 
that would make the ozonated water.  
Also, you might try D-Mannose, a sugar that kills many of the most common  
bacteria that cause UTIs.  You can buy this at the health food store, but  
it is too expensive,and, from my experience, sold in capsules with not enough 
in  one of them to do any good.  Look online for just the white powder.  I  
got mine from _www.sweetcures.com_ (http://www.sweetcures.com) , but  they 
are in England, and it takes awhile to get your supply.  I'm sure  there are 
other places online you can find where you just get the pure  powder.  The 
package says to take 1 heaping teaspoon or more of Waterfall  D-Mannose in 
water, tea, or fruit juice (not cranberry or orange) at onset of  symptoms.  
Take another an hour later.  Reduce to a level teaspoonful  every three 
hours between meals for 2 days after symptoms abate. Reduce to 3  times a day 
for the next 2-3 days.  If no relief is found within 24 hours,  consult a 
doctor.  If relief is just partial, try taking more.   Maintenance dose:  level 
teaspoon, once per day, or as required.  Take  one hour before sex, and 
immediately after.  
You can take this forever, and it does no harm.  The bacteria do not  
develop a resistance to it.  What I would do is take it every three hours  
the clock--just set my alarm clock and have the water and D-Mannose by my  
Hope this helps!
In a message dated 5/25/2014 11:19:54 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
ron....@gmail.com writes:

Hi, I'm  brand new to the list. Not totally ignorant on CS but lots to 
85 yo  male in good health but since I must self catheterize I am plagued 
by bladder  infections (lab test confirmed).
When my temp. gets to 101 or so and I feel  lousy I have resorted to 
Obviously one day they will not be  effective not to mention the harm they 
do elsewhere.

I have started  drinking 8 oz of CS (made with a SilverGen) during the 
night and even  administered rectally every other day for the  past 5 days.
It has  kept my temp. down but the cloudy urine says that the infection is 
still  there. Of course 5 days is a short time and maybe 8 oz is not  

Would anyone have knowledge or opinion  about actually injecting a pint or 
so of CS directly into the  bladder?

Now that I write it it seems like - yes it is a no brain-er  


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