Hi Ron,

I do not. But I do not actually drink large quantities of CS at one time. I
keep it in 16oz PET bottles, and drink a little here and there when I am
thirsty. Maybe a half a glass at a time, but usually less. Most of my
family uses it the same way. I also keep it by my bed at night, and take a
sip and swish if I wake up thirsty.

I actually bring used PET bottles to NY from Japan, because they are more
durable, and having 120z or 160z PET bottles makes using CS so convenient.

I use a silverpuppy device, so I am not worried about keeping the CS in
amber bottles. But I used to do that years ago.

One thing I should have mentioned - I always try to swish it around my
mouth for a while. I think keeping it in your mouth is an important factor
in effectiveness (which has been explained on this site in the past).
Sometimes I swish for ten seconds, sometimes for five minutes.

I am too lazy to use CS every day of my life, so there are times when I
don't drink any for weeks. I never notice any ill effects or digestive
discomfort from CS. Nor does anyone in my family. I have a daughter in
fourth grade, and she has never missed a day of school. We all had our
share of illness before CS, but nothing since.

Of course I realize everyone is different, and I do also consider ph and
other things mentioned here.

BTW, I dip my toothbrush in CS and then in a baking soda and sea salt mix,
which become pasty on my toothbrush. I imagine that this may also
contribute to my overall health.


On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Ron <ron....@gmail.com> wrote:

>  I would like to ask you if you give stomach acid any consideration when
> you drink the CS?
> Ron
> On 5/26/2014 11:09 AM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:
>  Lots of good advice already, but I would like to mention that simply
> increasing the quantity of CS might do the trick. You can't overdose on CS,
> and I have seen CS wipe out all manner of illness when enough is used. I
> will drink at least four glasses a day if I feel like I may have caught a
> flu or something. And I have seen UTIs irradiated with similar amounts. CS
> has kept me and my family healthy for many years.
>  I would also recommend home made kefir, as it is great for getting the
> gut and body flora healthy and balanced, which will further strengthen your
> immune system.
>  Good luck.
> On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Ron <ron....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Hi, I'm brand new to the list. Not totally ignorant on CS but lots to
>> learn.
>> 85 yo male in good health but since I must self catheterize I am plagued
>> by bladder infections (lab test confirmed).
>> When my temp. gets to 101 or so and I feel lousy I have resorted to
>> antibiotics.
>> Obviously one day they will not be effective not to mention the harm they
>> do elsewhere.
>> I have started drinking 8 oz of CS (made with a SilverGen) *during the
>> night* and even administered rectally every other day for the  past 5
>> days.
>> It has kept my temp. down but the cloudy urine says that the infection is
>> still there. Of course 5 days is a short time and maybe 8 oz is not enough??
>> Question:
>> Would anyone have knowledge or opinion about actually injecting a pint or
>> so of CS directly into the bladder?
>> Now that I write it it seems like - yes it is a no brain-er
>> but......................
>> Ron
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