Ok, but what is your recommended dose in deciliter per day if you have the
flue or a cold?


2014-09-02 18:34 GMT+02:00 Alan Faulkner <ala...@gmail.com>:

> The whole Herx thing is a bit controversial. Some say it means all the bad
> stuff is dying off, and some say it is a bad reaction to the medicine. It
> was invented to explain away why some PPL react to Penicillin .
> Either way I am not in the "take medicine everyday camp" because anything
> that kills bacteria is not selective contrary to what some PPL like to
> believe, as if it kills one thing, it will inevitably kill the good guys
> too. Since there is more bacteria in your body than cells and since the
> bacteria are living symbiotically with you, then you are destroying that
> which keeps you healthy.
> Basically symbiotically means that you each benefit each other. Bacteria
> is responsible for everything from digestion to consuming poisons, keeping
> the bad guys in check and no doubt many more things. I read once that
> speculation is that the reason us humans do so well despite having a small
> genome is that we have co-opted the genome of all the symbiotic bacteria in
> us.
> Some PPL take a variety of things daily such as MMS, H2O2 etc. and I say
> that is nonsense. You have a defence system for a reason. Yes when it is
> overloaded because of your poor dietary habits then help it out, but find
> out what you are doing wrong and fix that. Depending on some substance
> everyday to survive is a fool's paradise AFAIAC.
> That is why probiotics and yogurt and all of the other fermented foods
> give PPL such a healthy gut... bacteria are your friend.
> Alan
> On 2014-09-01, at 23:59 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:
> AJ,
> I think dosage depends largely on your overall health. Some people need
> more than others.
> A would recommend a glass a day as a starting point, and increase it as
> you feel the need. And I mean increase it within the same day. If I had a
> bad flu with a fever, I would probably drink four glasses a day, or even
> more. You cannot overdose on CS, and making it at home means that it is
> practically free. So if I don't feel some improvement within hours, I will
> keep drinking more. I keep plastic bottles filled with it so that I can
> just keep drinking all day and all night.
> Another point to consider is that symptoms - fever, stuffy nose, etc.,
> will often continue after the body has 'won' the battle, as those are our
> body's defense mechanisms, and It simply takes time for the body to shut
> them down. So you really have to judge how you 'feel' in a more holistic
> way. You can feel great with a mild fever and some congestion, or you could
> feel terrible. In either case, keep drinking the CS for some days after you
> feel great, to make sure that you don't relapse.
> If you have never used CS before, I would recommend starting with a glass
> a day. You could get diarrhea and Herxheimer reactions, depending on your
> overall condition. A Herxheimer reaction could feel like a flu, and is
> caused by rapid die off of pathogens that occurs to quickly for your body
> to handle. And so you could actually feel worse before you suddenly feel
> much better.
> Victor
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