Kris wrote:

> Everyone has their own opinion.  Garlic is said by some to sort of slow
> one's mental processes.  I think that everything should be in
> moderation.  I do not take garlic everyday.  But it is high in sulfur,
> very important to protein binding, and it has a natural antibiotic.
> Some say a clove a day would keep the doctor away.  I believe that it is
> more beneficial than harmful.  I have heard this theory that goes like
> this:  man was once able to live very long, close to a thousand years
> old, but  mankind in general did not use their time on earth wisely.
> Instead of living lives of continual progress and enlightenment, man
> used the time to cycle through periods of righteousness, wickedness,
> repentance and then more wickedness.  Then  God became very tired of
> this and "corrupted" the food and water, so that these long lives were
> no longer possible.  He wanted man to appreciate his time on earth and
> be motivated to use it more productively.  Some would argue that this is
> also when we in general started having more lives than one, the work one
> needed to accomplish continued in the next life.  Lessons learned in
> sequential lives, but it says in scripture that there will come a time
> "in which no work can be performed."

According to the Sumarian writings as translated by Stitchin (Ie. The 12th
Planet) this is close, but it was actually aliens (which were referred to as
gods, but not God) that modified the environment and our dna for shorter life
spans to keep us from getting too wise and becomming a threat.  Interesting


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