Harsha Godavari wrote:

> Sam:
>       Where was ths published? A search on AltaVista for "tenth planet"
> led me to NASA flatly denying any such planet!!
> Regards
> Harsha Godavari

PLANETNEWS broadcast.....

Discovery of 10th Planet

Orig. message: Alison Tredwell,

ron russell, r...@estreet.com  sent to PLANETNEWS:

Just in case you haven't seen the news  two separate teams in the UK and
USA have independently reported the likely presence of a huge
"undiscovered" planet orbiting the sun on the outer reaches of the solar
system.   They believe the planet may be up to twice the size of Jupiter,
and lies up to one million, million miles from earth.   It's presence has
been inferred from perturbations in the Oort Cloud - one group of comets
were observed which did not have random directions but were strung out
across an arc in the sky.   From the drawing in the Daily Telegraph it
looks as if they think the new planet lies at an angle of 30 degrees to
the ecliptic.   The report states that it cannot have been formed from
the primal solar nebula along with the other planets, but must have
originally been outside the solar system up until two or three hundred
million years ago.   I hope someone will name it Marduk!

In an associated snippet, the paper also reports an American
astronautical engineer, Dr. Robert Zubrin, stating that humans could be
on Mars in a decade, and a new civilisation established there within a
century.   He claims the only obstacles are political (!) because the
technology already exists, and Mars has all the resources to enable it to
support life and colonisation.

Ron Russell   www.cropcircles.org
Box 460760
Aurora, CO 80046
Nancie Belle

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