Well here I go again, again look up USDA D3 it is easy open computer and type 
in USDA d3.
One can still purchase  VITAMIN D3 Mouse poison, I think it used to be made by 
Tom Cat INC. For me I just go to Walmart and get d3 kills the mice every time.
Every time I mention d3 everyone gets in a up roar just research.
Why does everyone get so defensive about d3??? If you like it well, but if you 
bleed out 3 pints of blood as a lot of people do.....since d3 does eat up 
calcium and puts it into the blood so now it crosses the blood brain barrier.
I follow Dr. Mercola but never believe in anyone always check out everything
.I followed him with d3 thing in the beginning he only sold d3 alone, but than 
he started adding vit k, I assume so people will not bleed, than he added 
calcium( I do not know if he still does) guess why?

Do not get mad at me, Research all the way to the beginning of d3 back to the 
30's very interesting.  I have studied this for 5 yrs.  You do the same.
Mon, 1/5/15, Dee <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: CS>Re: CS>RE: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>He Wrote the 
Book on Vitamin C –
 To: "" <>
 Date: Monday, January 5, 2015, 6:44 AM
 I use the MK-7 form of
 vitamin K which you should always take when supplementing
 with D3 and when you say mouse poison, what exactly do you
 mean? There are many things which would be poisonous to some
 species while being fine for others.  Mercola who I trust
 implicitly, advocates D3 as cholecalciferol.  
 I find it very difficult to
 obtain D3 from natural sources as I do not like fish and
 cannot spend enough time in the sun with the level of
 exposure that is required to be beneficial which is why I
 Sent from
 my iPad
 > On 5 Jan 2015, at
 > Dee
 > d3(hormone) as
 cholecalciferol( not from the sun to the skin) is mouse
 > Look up USDA( United States
 Dept of Agriculture)d3 is listed as such.  K2 keeps the
 body from bleeding.  K2 in itself is dangerous and not to
 be  taking lightly unless advice from doctor.  Many people
 with certain conditions should not be taking vit k and never
 d3 as chlorecalciferol
 > Best advice
 research, research and more research than make up your
 > Never take any vitamins unless
 you research first.
 > Mary    
 >> On 5 Jan 2015, at
 06:56, Jess <>
 > wrote:
 >> did you
 > say D3
 from a mouse poison? I thought it was from sheep
 > skin.  It has always caused a problem for
 me, too much
 > urination. Jess
 > -----Original Message-----
 >> From: Sandra
 George [] 
 >> Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2015 9:51
 >> To: Mike Devour - Silver List
 >> Subject: CS>Re: CS>Re:
 > CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>He
 Wrote the Book on Vitamin C –
 > Hi There Mary - agreed
 instant cure mentality will be the
 killer of humanity - no one wants to take responsibility
 > self - like yourself and many
 others I myself got tired of
 > talking to
 the air and stopped - the result is that life is
 > so much easier, pleasant and fun !!!!
 > Take very good care of you and be blessed
 with insight
 >> Sandee🐬
 >> Attitude
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