Speaking of antibiotics availability and Y2K, any idea if, since it's
likely that drug prescriptions will be few and far between next year,
"Penicillin G" for animals could safely be used on humans? Available now
without a prescription. It is injectible... other such anti-biotics for
animals are also readily available (for the time being) without a
prescription. See the following link for an example of PenG for animals:

I realize there are dosage and allergy concerns, but since it is termed
"sterile" is it safe in humans, does anyone know?
- Serious replies please! <thanx>

>It might be a good idea to get a tetanus shot anyway, especially if you
>have a puncture wound.  With Y2K coming, and the military soaking up large
>amounts of med stuffs (like Penicillian G) again, the stuff might not be
>available next year.  I usually get one every 5 years or so when I cut
>myself on something dirty, regardless of how well I can clean the wound.
>CS is great, but I'd use it as a second line of defense re:tetanus.

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