It seems that it's too early for numbers, that whatever these are are for
past events.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 10:46 AM Victor Cozzetto <>

> The numbers speak for themselves. Three different health agencies in Italy
> state that “maybe” 2 people died from Coronavirus during that initial
> outburst/claim of 8,000.
> 2 people.
> Influenza is far more deadly to children than COVID-19. The stress of
> lockdown makes them more vulnerable. Hospitalizations for influenza are UP
> for children. The ‘curve’ is irrelevant if you are filling hospitals with
> hypochondriacs, nocebo patients, and victims of other more prevalent
> diseases.
> Coronavirus is already in decline, and it is not because of lockdown.
> Feel free to send me sources of information that disprove anything I have
> written, as I am happy to be educated. Show me the numbers.
> Victor
> On Apr 8, 2020, at 9:43 AM, Reid Harvey <> wrote:
> Victor,  I'm incredulous that you can post this newsletter without looking
> it over thoroughly.  It also seems irresponsible to suggest children go
> back to school while clearly, there are those who would be vulnerable to
> the virus.  The professor in the video talks about the need to develop a
> 'herd immunity,' but this seems to suggest an acceptance that there will be
> deaths among the children.  And what about his assertion that there should
> be no need to flatten the curve?  I cannot be overly critical though, while
> in the past I too have posted information prematurely.
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 9:25 AM Victor Cozzetto <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Reid,
>> I did not watch the video, or read the article much, but if they are
>> saying that children should go back to school, I would agree completely.
>> Assuming this is an infectious disease of course. Professor Hinkley wrote a
>> good analysis of the lockdown, and I wrote an analysis of his article,
>> supporting his claims that the lockdown does far more harm than good. Here
>> is my post, which has a link to the original article:
>> In short, it is far too late for any lockdowns to have meaning, as this
>> virus has already been through much of the population, and the lockdowns
>> are only a tool for propaganda now. Solid numbers support this.
>> Victor
>> *************************
>> Victor F. Cozzetto
>> Wise Traditions Nutritionist
>> U.S.: (516) 908-1039
>> <>
>> YouTube Channel <>
>> *************************
>> On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 9:08 AM Reid Harvey <>
>> wrote:
>>> Let me get this right:  by submitting this newsletter, the Remnant, you
>>> and Prof. Wittkowski of the video are suggesting that children should be in
>>> school and the curve should not be flattened.  Did I miss something?
>>> On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 8:13 AM Gmail <> wrote:
>>>> What we all know anyway.
>>>> “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our
>>>> banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a
>>>> revolution before tomorrow morning."    Henry Ford