Hi G,
You bring back memories. I actually remember seeing the Great Kreskin on TV way back when. Entertaining. But I don't know what to say about your Henry Ford quote. The name does kinda ring a bell. Musta been some kinda conspiracy nut. Aha! I just placed him remembering that my father (rip) drove a Model T in his day.. Really. Gee! Back then we actually even had constitutional "money". I can only imagine what Ford might say today about Fiat "currency".
I haven't yet digested the article you posted. Looking forward to it.


On 4/8/2020 5:13 AM, Gmail wrote:
What we all know anyway.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."  Henry Ford
