Sam same here. I am in Michigan which the news report is third in the nation 
leading with the virus. I don't know anyone or of them knowing anyone who has 
it. In fact this is really strange I am on a local group thru the site called and people are posting who work in our big hospitals here in Grand 
Rapids that they are empty and they are bored to tears because ALL elective 
surgery's are cancelled. Aren't elective surgeries what the hospitals draw a 
lot of their funding from? Who ordered that I wonder?
    On Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 11:58:47 AM EDT, Sam L. <> 
 I believe this is a off topic subject but that's up to Mike. I think mostly 
they are keeping the kids out of school so they don't bring it back home where 
it could spread though out the family. 
Just my opinion. I have yet to know anybody personally that has become sick 
with the virus or know someone that knows someone that has become sick with the 
I had some type of sickness back in December that really knocked me down to the 
ground and almost underneath the ground. I was down for 5 days, I just used CS 
and a zapper and was good to go. 
I never went to the doctor so really do not know what it was. 
It was a simple zapper that I had made years ago for about 5 dollars. I make a 
even simpler one now but maybe that should be on the off topic list. 
Sam L

On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 12:15 PM Ron <> wrote:

  Hi G,
 You bring back memories. I actually remember seeing the Great Kreskin on TV 
way back when. Entertaining.
 But I don't know what to say about your Henry Ford quote. The name does kinda 
ring a bell. Musta been some kinda conspiracy nut. Aha! I just placed him 
remembering that my father (rip) drove a Model T in his day.. Really.
 Gee! Back then we actually even had constitutional "money". I can only imagine 
what Ford might say today about Fiat "currency".
 I haven't yet digested the article you posted. Looking forward to it.
 On 4/8/2020 5:13 AM, Gmail wrote:
 What we all know anyway.
  “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking 
and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution 
before tomorrow morning."    Henry Ford  


A government big enough to give you everything you want will take
everything you have.