You got that right, the injections are not therapy. They evade the immune system and hijack your cells to make toxic spike proteins

12000 deaths reported to VAERS, nobody can deny that. mRNA inventor says we may be seeing signs of antibody disease enhancement.

Many are shills for big pharma profit, even if they make a pittance


On 8/7/2021 8:35 AM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
Experimental gene therapy? The Moderna type shot was studied for 30 years before it was used. It's not gene therapy at all.

All Fauci wants is to help people. He is getting death threats for that, the poor old man. There is no scheme.

Still waiting for real "facts" that the shot should not be taken. Our hospitals are filling up with children now, this latest variant is way more contagious and deadly than previous ones and finally, the ones reluctant are getting their shots.

You science deniers have kept this around way longer than it had to be here. I'm tired of being housebound because you can't play nice with others. Do what is right!

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