On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 1:18 PM Diane Mackey <> wrote:

> What hospitals are filling up with children with Covid?  I'll call them to
> verify.
> On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 11:35 AM Cyndiann Phillips <>
> wrote:
>> Experimental gene therapy? The Moderna type shot was studied for 30 years
>> before it was used. It's not gene therapy at all.
>> All Fauci wants is to help people. He is getting death threats for that,
>> the poor old man. There is no scheme.
>> Still waiting for real "facts" that the shot should not be taken. Our
>> hospitals are filling up with children now, this latest variant is way more
>> contagious and deadly than previous ones and finally, the ones reluctant
>> are getting their shots.
>> You science deniers have kept this around way longer than it had to be
>> here. I'm tired of being housebound because you can't play nice with
>> others. Do what is right!
>> On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 4:56 AM pal joey <> wrote:
>>> Cyndiann,  I'm not going to pull any punches here. Based on my
>>> understanding of the facts, everyone got this injection now has a
>>> potentially chronic and life threatening condition. I'll just say, that
>>> your time would be better spent researching tools to counter that
>>> condition. Even if you're lucky, and don't have problems,  you're very
>>> likely going to know others who do.        I want to be wrong. I sincerely
>>> hope I am. And if I'm wrong,  we can have a good laugh at my expense in a
>>> couple years. I would prefer that to the scene that we see unfolding.
>>>          No one can go wrong with learning how to help themselves and
>>> others, even if its never needed.  We're all here trying to learn to take
>>> care of ourselves, and most of us don't believe that experimental gene
>>> therapy is the way to go, no matter what. We don't feel an overwhelming
>>> threat from this "virus". Most of us have an arsenal of tools to deal with
>>> this, going back -decades. I made a conscious effort years ago, not to let
>>> people like fauci and the rest, manage my Healthcare. That is never going
>>> to happen.  And I see through their scheme as well, which is to make
>>> everyone their chronic outpatient; something they have been working on for
>>> decades.