I am 70 no way in hell am I trusting in our corrupt gov't and a EXPERIMENTAL 
shot that people are dying from.
    On Saturday, August 7, 2021, 02:58:11 PM EDT, Max <mperrau...@cox.net> 
VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 545,338 reports of 
adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 12,366 
deaths and 70,105 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 30, 2021.  
There is perhaps some justification to take the vaccine if you are old and 
unwell and dont plan on trying to improve your health or seek non vaccine 
treatment, like ivermectin, vitamins, herbs, fresh air etc.  The death rate 
from covid is far higher than from the vaccine, at this time.   But theres much 
more to consider.  Death rate from covid is over counted in many countries, 
while death rate from the vaccine is undercounted.  Hospital treatment during 
the worst of the pandemic was responsible for many deaths.  When the treatment 
protocol changed,  deaths went down about 3/4.  
To estimate your risk benefit ratio of taking a vaccine, you have to do more 
than get your hunch from mainstream news or insistent vaccine promoters.  You 
can go to a risk calculator like this
where you may be amazed how low your covid risk actually is.  Estimating the 
risk from the injections is more difficult.  It appears that vaccine 
effectiveness evaporates at about 6% every two months, according to one study.  
That means your risk of infection returns, while your over all health has been 
damaged and you may be more prone to a hyper inflammatory response.
Given that many of the same causes of severe covid also cause heart disease, 
cancer and dementia, Its hard to see how the vaccine could save many 
life-years, as it doesnt treat the cause of severe covid. If you rely on the 
injections, and feel 'saved' then you may be less motivated to improve your 
health.  People dont want to think, they just want to be saved.

 On 8/7/2021 10:08 AM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
 12000 deaths from over 350 million shots given just in the US so far. That's a 
tiny risk I was willing to take. My chance of dying is way higher without the 
vaccine. Numbers! 
  The next paragraph in the article, which is not visible in the screenshots, 
shows an update that the CDC modified the number of 12,313 deaths to 6,079. The 
next paragraph shows a second update that says the CDC modified the number to 
  On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 12:21 PM Max <mperrau...@cox.net> wrote:
You got that right, the injections are not therapy. They evade the 
 immune system and hijack your cells to make toxic spike proteins
 12000 deaths reported to VAERS, nobody can deny that. mRNA inventor says 
 we may be seeing signs of antibody disease enhancement.
 Many are shills for big pharma profit, even if they make a pittance
 On 8/7/2021 8:35 AM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
 > Experimental gene therapy? The Moderna type shot was studied for 30 
 > years before it was used. It's not gene therapy at all.
 > All Fauci wants is to help people. He is getting death threats for 
 > that, the poor old man. There is no scheme.
 > Still waiting for real "facts" that the shot should not be taken. Our 
 > hospitals are filling up with children now, this latest variant is way 
 > more contagious and deadly than previous ones and finally, the ones 
 > reluctant are getting their shots.
 > You science deniers have kept this around way longer than it had to be 
 > here. I'm tired of being housebound because you can't play nice with 
 > others. Do what is right!