I have used Allergy Research "Prolive" olive leaf extract. Seems like a good

Dennis Lipter

bli...@aol.com wrote:

> Hi Carol,
> Thankyou for responding and taking time from your busy and hectic schedule to
> get us information.  I have been so impressed by what I've been reading and
> from hearing stories such as yours.  I totally agree - If you give the body
> what it needs, it can and will heal itself.  Most everything nowadays that
> comes from the medical field is synthetic garbage that causes more problems
> than you had to begin with.  Drs. are no more than pill pushers who never
> look further than their prescription pads to help you.  Tunnel vision.
> Keep up the good fight and thanks again for your sharing and caring.  I'm
> very excited to get into using Olive Leaf and the Colloidals I've been
> reading about.  Using them together along with other healthy supplements and
> diet, maybe I can get some relief and maybe make my family members believers
> also.
> Barb
> >Olive LeafOlive Leaf Respsone:
> >Hi everyone, I am sorry I did not realize that there was such a response to
> Olive Leaf.
> Carol Ryan
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