Beck claims a virutal 100%  cure rate on his tape for cancer using his 4 step


Sharon L. House wrote:

> Has your sister tried CS for the cancer? Occasionally I hear of someone
> responding quite well to it.
> Sharon
> >My sister who is stage four cancer is  doing pretty good too, I have her
> >on some specially designed >formulas that after  chemo and radiation
> >treatments the nurse took some tests and was amazed >that she  did not
> >need to have some injections that other chemo  Now  that she
> >is not >taking the rest of chemo she is just taking nutrition she is
> >perking up.  Stay tuned. I threw the >nutritional book at her and she is
> >doing it, with  the help of my friend the nutritional formulator. >Carol
> >Ryan
> --
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