> Well, guys, in spite of daily doses of CS, I have the nastiest flu. 
> I also have that "cough".  I have upped my dosage and am going to
> bed.  This has been gong on since Sunday.  Just shoot me.

And I thought it was just me. I started to get it bad Sunday, too. I'm
continuing to take several ounces of ~10ppm in my "sipping water"
throughout the day. I can at least hope to keep strep or anything 
else bacterial out of my way so I can heal.

Monday was almost as bad as Sunday. Yesterday I *just* barely felt
like it was turning around. Today I was able to get out with Rose in
the car for a couple of hours to do errands.

All three kids started to come down with it Monday afternoon. Rosie 
seems to be getting at least partial protection from the flu 
inoculation she got at the hospital where she works. All she's got is 
some sinus flareup.

I bought an airbrush and I'll be figuring out the hookup for the O2 
supply and giving it a try. I want to see if it'll help me knock back 
the cough quicker.

Get well, folks!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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