## Current density [where it relates to ion discharge]is not uniform. Discharge tends toward the ends and edges..points and corners. The round rods can be optimized by turning the ends somewhat away from each other increasing the distance at that point. Flat ribbons will sharpen into a "v" configuration over time due to the edges going full length and there being two points at the ends. I don't know how to prevent that as the edges just are where they are. Perhaps bending the ends apart a bit will help but bending them too far will form an hour glass and the ribbon will break in two eventually.

At 11:30 PM 7/31/00 -0700, you wrote:
This is a good question. Even with large electrodes, I suspect that the
current density is not uniform. Has anyone addressed electrode design?


----- Original Message -----
From: "blue_eyes" <broompi...@netzero.net>
To: "C. SILVER" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 8:19 PM
Subject: CS>Electrode Surface Area

> Greetings Folks!
> As time has gone on, the subject of current density has come up
> now and then and several folks have mentioned what they thought
> was the appropriate maximum density for minimum silver size.
> I do not recall anyone mentioning whether they based current
> density on 100% of the wetted surface area of both electrodes
> or only the wetted surface areas facing each other.
> I tend to think that most of the current is "leaving" or "entering"
> the surfaces facing each other.
> Regards,
> David

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