>Greetings Folks!
  >I do not recall anyone mentioning whether they based current
  >density on 100% of the wetted surface area of both electrodes
  >or only the wetted surface areas facing each other.
  >I tend to think that most of the current is "leaving" or "entering"
  >the surfaces facing each other.

  I would think that it is mostly (over 70%) the facing areas but would
  the current would be very similar to the lines of force seen when one
  sprinkles iron filings on a piece of paper and then place the poles of
  horse-shoe magnet under the paper.  Most from the facing surfaces,
some from
  the edges and a lot less from the rear.  One way to find out is to
take a
  probe and plot the potential gradient at the different points.  I
think I
  did the some 50 years ago in collage physics and got a t plot similar
to the
  magnetic lines of force.


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