To all HVAC/ARC method folks,
What is a source on the internet of Transformers in the 120/15,000V range?

I am interested in the HVAC/ARC CS production method to get smaller
particles and higher ppm batches.  My background is as a Navy electrician
where I learned to try not to electricute myself or anyone else.  Also,
there is a direct conection between high voltage gone astray and fires.  My
local CS supplier demonstrated this method for me the other day and he has a
life saving story to tell about his last five years of CS use.  Briefly: he
was exposed to an explosion in Nam which left him with several internal
souvenirs.  Now he successfully fights recurring infections with the
inonized CS made with HVAC and two arcs.  I hope he joins this list if he
hasn't already.  Tim, you there?


Vince Richter

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