 I thought we were informed that this sort of technical discussion
was no longer welcome?  Unfortunate, since I firmly believe that
these sorts of "scary, none understandable" topics is what advanced
the art of CS production beyond the 'cup of water, dash of salt and
3x9v battery' stage...

 Maybe the next "technology" to develop from the current list
configuration will be to lay hands on the electrodes and "levetate"
1 nm silver particles into suspension.  Sure will save $$$ on
electricity and distilled water and such...
George Martin

--Original Message Text---
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 13:14:22 EDT

In a message dated 9/26/2001 12:32:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: 

If anyone had other CS related questions, remember that we *do* talk

about colloidal silver on this list! 

Thanks everybody. 

Mike D. 

Mike: Well, thanks for bringing up CS. I was hoping that by now I
would have received, privately or otherwise, some feedback on my
ionic silver solubility estimate. Sometimes I wonder if there's
anybody interested to anything other than speculation, conspiracy
theories, and other fanciful stuff. Roger