On Wed, 26 Sep 2001 14:52:37 +0000, M. G. Devour wrote:

=>Almost no one has seen fit to reply directly to my comments on
=>values and direction, yet several folks have made remarks like
=>George. Perhaps the situation I was responding to is no longer 
=>obvious and needs to be recapped. It would be nice to see some 
=>questions asked.

I wasn't ignoring you Mike...just on the road.

=>Recent technical discussions on this list have sometimes devolved
=>virtual shouting matches between competing vendors, complete with
=>hominemn attacks and ridicule. I have stated plainly that this is
=>acceptable and I stand by that -- a position I've been criticized

Not very different from when you took over the list is it?  Only
difference is the current crop of combatants also have financial
interests to advance while they feed their own inflated egos (of
course they will try to convince us that 'science' is their main
concern...yeah, right!)

=>Apart from "behavior problems" of that sort, quite often,
=>discussions have become so voluminous and detailed that they 
=>have overwhelmed the list, leading many a new arrival to despair
=>ever understanding anything of this terribly complicated subject!

How can it be said that any CS subject can 'overwhelm' the CS list? 
 Most of the posts I have looked at today (from the previous week)
have absolutely nothing to do with CS.  Instead we are treated to
paranoid fantasies about the government killing Americans, little
guys in Florida floating big rocks, some modern day wanna be seer
that has an accuracy rate approaching 0%,  pictures drawn in grass,
and on and on.  

While these are all topics that deserve attention, why should these
folks  be rewarded for their utter lack of respect for the CS-lists
stated purpose and be allowed to hijack the CS list for their own
selfish mumblings?

=>I have offered to set up a silver-tech-list so folks can talk
=>all they want without having to apologize for using big words, and
=>"take off the gloves" and go bare-fisted at each other if that's
=>will allow them to resolve their differences of opinion...

I think that if the technical talk was turned up full blast then
maybe some of these (to mangle a borrowed phrase) "nattering nabobs
of nothingness" would either shut up, move their discussions to the
already provided silver-off-topic-list or apply themselves to a
small amount of study and further their own base of knowledge. 
Worst case?  They leave the list and go elsewhere.  Currently, I see
very few messages being posted to the off-topic list.  Why isn't
this fine resource being utilized as it was meant to be?  Why should
those of us who actually work to further the PUBLIC knowledge base
be treated as embarrassing relations that need to be shuttled off to
some dark corner to whisper among ourselves?

=>The four primary goals of the list are *still*, briefly restated:
=>1) Delivering good, unbiased info; 
=>2) Giving encouragement and support; 
=>3) Debunking hype and disinformation; 
=>4) Furthering the art.

Are #'s 1 or 4 currently being realized? Happily, #'s 2 and 3 does
still occasionally happen although rarely.

=>It is only when either points 3 or 4 become disruptive to the list

=>that I'd figure the tech list would come into play.

You seem to have managed to remove disruptions before...why not keep
it up?

=>Civil discussions, sans controversy, can and should be acceptable
=>here, at least until they get to be so busy they're swamping other

How can one discussion "swamp" another ?  If a topic is truly worthy
of discussion it will generate all the attention it deserves! 

=>Maybe, like the silver-off-topic-list, the tech list will only
=>significant traffic once in a while. Or maybe it'll draw back
=>tech types who've given up on us due to the volume of off-topic 
=>messages and other complaints, and become viable in its own right.

And what is to keep the natterers from preempting an UNmoderated
list as they have this moderated one?

=>What's it going to be folks?

That is a very good question...

Now a few questions of my own:

1) When on this list has a question gone unanswered due to the
technical discussions?    Don't count the questions that went
unanswered because the answer was not known...that doesn't count.  
Having to ask a second time doesn't qualify either!

2) Why should the list be targeted to the lowest common denominator,
i.e. beginners  with basic questions and concerns?

3) And finally, if #2 is the case, who is going to answer their
questions and assuage their concerns?

George Martin

=>Mike Devour
=>silver-list owner
=>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
=>[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
=>[Speaking only for myself...               ]
=>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
=>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
message to: 
=>silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or- 
=>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
=>To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
=>Silver-list archive:
=>List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>