
The first thing that you need is a digital multimeter set to read the current in
your brew cell. The initial current is probably the best indicator of the
quality of yourDW.

There is no need to heat the DW. I have been evaluating many protocols  to make
CS in the last 4 years and find no need to heat the water.

Obviouly the 45 minute brew time is very excessive for heated water. Try a run
with room temp. water with a meter in the circuit. With very good DW the current
will be in the range of 0.2 to 0.4 ma. If it is in the 2.0 to 5.0 ma range the
water is junk.

Stop the brew when the current is about 3 to 4 ma.These numbers are for 14 to 16
ounces of DW.

"Ole Bob"

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