Ok, I made CG now for the first time. I have 2 neon transformer primary
coils in parallel, secondary (high voltage) in series. Then made 2 holes in
a 1/4 " plastic plate and inserted 2 gold wires trough them. I bend them to
have approximately 1 mm gap between them. then I connected the High-tension
wires to the gold. filled the (1/2 liter) jar with DW and inserted the gold
wires in the water. about  12 to 15 mm submersed in the water. Then plugged
in and watched a good spark between the electrodes. After about 30 minutes I
stopped the process. there is a good but very thin TE. the solution is still
very clear.

This is only a test setup. I will now work on the electrode arrangement that
was posted earlier.

I have something that bothers me. The spark is generating high powered
electronic noise in the naberhood, this is disturbing for all the nabourers
that are listening to the radio or watching television. Apart from the
disturbance, there are always official people on the road with a special
equipped vehicle to listen in on illegal transmissions. I am afraid that I
am transmitting legally.
Is there something that can be done to limit the radio disturbance?

  -----Original Message-----
  From: rob-bac [mailto:rob...@zonnet.nl]
  Sent: zaterdag 19 januari 2002 16:04
  To: silver-list
  Subject: CS>CG

  Thanks Ole-Bob and others, for your comments how to start with CG making.
  Especially the drawing of Ole Bob's elektrode holder I copied on paper and
will study that. Probably next week I will pick up a CG generator from a
friend who bought one from the US, we can use that here with an extra trafo
100->220V. It probably is such an arc CG generator. I will see how the
elektrodes are placed and certainly will follow your advice. Even making the
holder will not be to difficult. Thanks for the help and the offer about the
pyrex tubes. If I'm unable to obtain them here I'll let you know.