Yes a faraday cage is what you need.  You might try a copper screen wire
enclosure around the apparatus.  Also purchase some ferrite rings and be
sure to wind a few turns of any wire that comes out of the cage around
them, such as power and be sure to ground the screen.


Joseph Fritz wrote:

>  At 06:43 PM 1/19/02 +0100, you wrote:
>> I have something that bothers me. The spark is generating high
>> powered electronic noise in the naberhood, this is disturbing for
>> all the nabourers that are listening to the radio or watching
>> television. Apart from the disturbance, there are always official
>> people on the road with a special equipped vehicle to listen in on
>> illegal transmissions. I am afraid that I am transmitting legally.
>> Is there something that can be done to limit the radio disturbance?
>> Satchid
> Try looking up info on a faraday cage its basically a grounded metal
> box
> Joseph B Fritz

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