Do you believe as does Dr. Clark that all diseases are caused by parasites?

----Original Message Follows----
From: "John Reeder" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: CS>Gary Green/ Chicken Pox Virus
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 11:33:28 -0700

Hello Sylvie:-))

Check out Dr Hulda Clark wrote a book called "The Cure
for All Diseases" in which she extols the Zapper, as she calls it. It
is a method of killing parasites, germs, fungii, viruses, etc using
pulsating DC applied through the body from electrodes attached to the
extremities (e.g. wrists, ankles, standing on aluminum foil (covered with
wet paper towels). The Zapper is the electronic circuit that does the
zapping, easily built from Radio Shack parts or purchased in a more
useable and controllable form from Dr Clark, or many
other vendors. Type "Zapper" into a search engine and all kinds of links
come up. Interestingly, the Zapper was just approved in Europe as an
alternative healing method (kind of like the FDA approving cs here). I
built my first one and then purchased a commercial unit from adcomtronics
simply because I was too lazy to build a better one than my first attempt.
It seems to be very useful on skin ailments of any type. I actually had a
tumor on my left arm disappear after about a week of zapping a few days
before I was scheduled for surgery to remove it. The doctor who was to do
the surgery was amazed and stated, "you must be living right".

John Reeder

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