
Will you please be more specific, and list the things you did to
have a bowel movement after each meal?  Thanks.

Soluble vs In-Soluble Fibers

Also add SOLUBLE FIBERS to your diet.  These are just as
important as IN-SOLUBLE FIBERS.  Why?  It acts like a broom, and
helps clean your arteries.  

Drink fresh organic vegetable juices, or take a quality brand of
dried juice.  I took Juice Plus, which has both insoluble and
soluble fibers, as well as healing food medicines.  The product
seems to have less fruits and vegetables today, so I don't know
whether it is as effective, but several years ago, it was an
excellent "laxative'.

                             =(o o)=

>TJ Garland <goldenok...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Another way to decrease parasite infection is to condition your system
>> having a bowel movement after each meal. This does not give many parasites
>> time to seperate from the food and attach themselves to your intestional
>> linings. Also, this does not allow the depleted food waste to toxify your
>> system. Good health begins and ends at the colon.
>Right!  According to each meal's fiber deficiency (eg., meats have NO
>fiber), the right combination of soluble/insoluble fiber should be applied
>to ensure motility.
>Soluble fiber (psyllium husk is the *most* soluble) is "sticky;" it can
>absorb putrefactive residues from the colon.  This tends to retard
>elimination, so sufficient liquid must be present to avoid blockage!  It can
>also absorb nutrients, so supplements should be taken first, and the fiber
>Insoluble fiber (wheat bran correlates with reduced incidence of colon
>cancer) "tickles" the colon wall, provoking peristalsis and hastening
>elimination--IF the colon is clear and not coated with indigested residues.
>Colon cleasing requires INsoluble fiber, so purgatives like cascara sagrada
>bark and inner leaf aloe are advisable (in addition to sufficient water) to
>avoid intestinal blockage.  Unlike chemically rarified laxitives, they don't
>promote dependency, and alternating them obviates that risk altogether.
>Over a decade ago, my colon absolutely went offline.  After years of
>applying these facts, my gastro-colonic reflex is restored to the same
>strength as in my ealy twenties:  I must eliminate following every meal!  I
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