Hello all,

Apparently, Mr Lee has a problem. I haven't stated anything "negative" about
cs, I am a firm
believer in its ability to heal and to keep one healthy. I have experiences
with cs healing and
have stated them on this forum in the past (although, I am a relatively new
member). I and
my friends use cs on an ongoing basis. And, I certainly didn't mean to get
him upset

Mr Lee appears to be the type who loves to argue and fight, from reading the
tenor his posts.
I simply posted a medical link (seemingly a reasonable link) and questioned
(or should I say,
dared to question his somewhat irrational post). I love stories such as he
told about the "hairy
green meat", but run into problems when I try to justify my beliefs in cs to
my rational friends
with stories such as that. For daring to question, I am called a liar. I
thought that this forum
was a 'give and take' forum where we could all investigate, dare to
question, comment, and
check out the veracity of others' statements. If my Lee was in my classroom
and was given
a "WebQuest" assignment about this whole scenario (as an uninvolved
investigator), he would
be in the 'C- to D' range grade-wise right now.

I refuse to enter into that and will not respond to his personal problems or
his agenda.

Out of here, lurking from now on, or at least until I have read several
hundred hours of archives
per Mr Lee's prescription (thought that I had already done that, but didn't
keep track of how
many hours I spent in the archives - my wife would disagree, she says I
spend too much time on
the cs site as it is). Oh well.

Got to go, county folks are coming to check out potential fire ants on the

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Tai-Pan [mailto:l...@fbtc.net]
  Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 1:30 AM
  To: silver-list
  Subject: Re: CS>Some info please?

   Hi all,
   I will take this moment to apologize to the membership. John has totally
peed me off with his uninformed comments and the harm he has done to the
good people on this list who are looking for help. For someone like him to
come along and criticize our people , and just give endless lists of links
is a great disservice to all of the members. I'm sure he has the
intelligence to do better than that. Lets hear the personal things he has
done and how they worked for him. We want positive things here, not negative
things. Negative things do nothing for anyone. Negative things will not heal
anyone. Lists will not heal anyone.

   New people come along and think they know it all , without ever doing any
experiments of their own,  and act like all us old timers didn't ever do
anything.  Be fore giving us your great advice, tell us how you determined
that it was correct or shut up. We don't need it, and stop screwing up those
that are trying to heal themselves.

   You are Johnny come latelys and need to spend a couple hundred hours in
the archives (holy smoke, the archives ) before thinking that you know
something that we haven't already done with experiments. There is about five
years worth of good information there. Use it before opening your mouth.

  Bless you,  Bob lee

  oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast
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