Neutrasweet might work well also since it is also a protein, or at least
an amino acid.


John Reeder wrote:

> That is a good question. It turns out the ants were Argentine ants,
> so, a degree of relief.The county lady told me that fire ants eat
> protein. I guess a chunk of meat dosed withcs would be the bait. Worth
> a try. Trouble is, I don't have any fire ants to try it on.Maybe I'll
> try the Argentine ants, they are omnivores from what I hear.John
>      -----Original Message-----
>      From: Marshalee Hallett []
>      Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 9:47 AM
>      To:
>      Subject: Re: CS>Some info please?
>            Got to go, county folks are coming to check out
>           potential fire ants on the property.JohnDo you
>           think CS in sugar water would kill fire ants? Or
>           at least some Nutrasweet.?Marshalee