Gee, consider the number of people who take from one to a dozen drugs every day that are known to kill people or have dozens of side effects?

Who would worry about CS which is likely the safest thing to drink on this planet, other than pure water.

Only today I met a man in the health food store who was taking two aspirin per day. I was able to talk to him about 10 minutes and I think he will stay awake tonight worrying about the aspirin.

   Not even 50 % of the cardiologist take an aspirin every day.

One of the great doctors stated recently that aspirin kills more people every day than aids.

I make a protein drink every day, and have been doing so for about 1.5 years. I add a green powder, a fiber and herb product, flax oil, and sometimes a raw egg or two.

   All together there must be near 200 nutrients in that drink.

And.... Yes, I am beginning to worry that there may be something in it that will kill me.

   It is a cruel world.


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