It is possible that a change in bile condition could alter your stool
colour. This could be caused indirectly by taking CS if the liver is
processing and eliminating any die-off of pathogens. Of course your
stool reflects what you eat, and so changes in colour are common. A
change in colour and/or consistency that lasts more than a few days
might be a cause for concern.

Colour is not something that has been noted here in the past, as far
as I can recall. Nothing apart from some initial loosening of
consistency for newbies I believe.


-----Original Message-----
From: mars larz []
Sent: Thursday, 15 August 2002 10:05 a.m.
Subject: CS>change in stool color while taking CS

I'm a CS newbie (on it a little over a week taking 3 tablespoons a
day) so i'm kind of taking notice of any changes of all of my bodily
functions lately. when i looked at my stool in the toilet after lunch
the other day it was unusually dark green. i eat green vegetables and
take herbs and vitamins anyway and my stool has become green as a
result of that in the past but this time it was unusually dark green.
could taking  CS have changed  my stool color.? i feel just fine by
the way any feedback?

thank you

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