This could be the result of a high pressure area in the nail as it grows
out of the cuticle that reveals a normal blue color like that seen in veins
under the skin of a fair complected person. If you look across the upper
plane of the nail, you'll find that it is not uniform, but waves up and
down /grows thick then thin, perpendicular to the direction of the finger
as it progresses toward the end in a process resembling the extrusion of
molten glass on a molten tin bed. If it's not absolutely uniform, the
resulting plate glass will be inferior. The body rarely does anything
 Changes in diet can modify the way the nail grows. Various nutritional
deficiencies and excesses can show up there as well in both color effects
and thickness.

At 12:14 PM 8/25/02 -0400, you wrote:
>I have heard some people say that taking fairly large amounts of CS has
>darken their gray hair. It is also my understanding that fingernails are
>basically the same as hair, only wide and thick.
>I have experienced what I might term fingernail argyria after taking large
>amounts of 80% ionic/20% colloid 5 ppm CS.  After reducing the dosage to
only a
>few ounces a day, instead of a couple of quarts a day. It is no longer
>Unfortunatly when it first appeared at the base of the nail in the area
that is
>normally white or light colored, I was looking for a medical problem such as
>poor circulation.  However now that it has grown out beyond the white area
>the white area has returned to white, I now realize it is a stain inside the
>nail itself, and will eventually grow out and be trimmed off.
>Does anyone else have any information on this.  Does this mean that although
>silver is not normally retained by tissues, that is can be in newly formed
>tissues?  Would that make one more susceptible to argyria if they get
>and new skin has to grow to replace the burned skin?
>The attached picture does not show the effect very well. The darkened area
>the base is much darker than the picture shows in reality.  It seems that the
>flash washed the color out of the blue area.
>Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\fingernail.jpg"

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