Thanks again, Jenny! Payment will go in today's mail.

Have a lovely day,

Sonja Buhlman

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: mars larz 
  Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 2:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Re: buying cs instead of making it... adding salt


   Barbara Liles wrote: 

    Thanks for the info. So, is the sea salt good, bad or indifferent?
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Marshall Dudley 
    Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 8:48 PM
    Subject: Re: CS>Re: buying cs instead of making it...

    > Barbara Liles wrote:
    > > Sorry Marshall. I re-read my post and it confused me. Let me try
    > >
    > > What I meant to say is some generators I read about are using 3
    > > rather than 2.
    > >
    > > When making CS are we trying to get equal charge from a negative silver
    > > and a positive silver wire?
    > The difference between 2 and 3 batteries is simply 18 or 27 volts. The
    > at both electrodes will be the same, as per Norton analysis. That is
    > travels in a loop, and is equal at all points in the loop.
    > >
    > >
    > &g! t; Then, to make a good brew, does the solution need to be stirred?
    > >
    > Most here report better results if the CS is stirred during making it.
    This can
    > be with a bubbler, a mechanical stirer, or even a slight heat source on
    one side
    > for convection stiring.
    > >
    > > Also, does the distance between the two silver wires make a difference.
    > >
    > Yes it does, but I don't have any data on that since I do not use the LVDC
    > method myself.
    > >
    > > When I first started making mine, I was told that my spring water would
    > > and didn't need the distilled water. I know it worked to some extent,
    > > the more I read on the list, the more I realize that the minerals in
    > > spring water must have an effect on my finished product so I switched to
    > > distilled.
    > That was a good decision.
    &g! t;
    > >
    > >
    > > The spring water produced a cloudy brew whereas the distilled water made
    > > clear.
    > The spring water probably had some salts in it, calcium chloride, calcium
    > carbonate, potassium or sodium chloride. These would react with any
    silver ions
    > as they come off the wire producting silver carbonate or silver chloride.
    > silver compounds have very low solubility, so they tend to make the water
    > until it settles out.
    > >
    > >
    > > Also, since we are going back to Silver 101, when using sea salt which
    > > the brew yellow, is this an indicator of particle size? I know it makes
    > > faster, but what is it making faster?
    > >
    > It increases the conductivity, thus increasing current and the rate of
    > removal from the wire.
    > >
    > > This leads me! to wonder about IV use. Since sodium chloride IV solution
    > > salty, does that change the structure of the CS. I generally use D5W
    > > thinking that the salt would change the structure.
    > >
    > It seems that silver ions will quickly combine with the chlorine in NaCl
    > form a cloudy solution with then settles out over time. I am not sure
    just what
    > happens if you put silver chloride directly into the blood.

    >I don't make cs but i heard you are never to add any kind of SALT or 
BAKING SODA to speed up the proccess.EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    > >
    > > Just learning so any information is helpful. I'm still back tracking the
    > > achieves attempting to not ask questions that you old timers have
    > > before, but that is a slow process.
    > We may be old timers, but we keep learning as well. I would NEVER have
    > that taking large amounts of HVAC CS would do what they did to my
    > That is a new data point for me.
    > Marshall
    > --
    > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
    > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
    > To post, address your message to:
    > Silver-list archive:>
    > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

  thank you

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