List :
this is a warning posted yesterday on the Generic coop news letter.  I shot 
back to them with my disgust, they responded.
I think you should write to them too, if you have anything to say.   This is a 
group of retired running this company now, and they should be held 
responsible for what they report.  At least with opposition.
Their address is below
Silver list guy
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ


A lot of you write asking about how to 
make colloidal silver at home.  Think again
fair members!  According to the FDA, no
over-the-counter colloidal silver products
are generally recognized as safe!  

In fact, Aldo cautions that overdosing 
can cause a condition called 'argyria,' 
which is a permanent, non-reversible 
bluish discoloration of the skin!  Alchemists
Woof, woof!  You've gotten introduced to the dog's 
wisdom.  Please feel free to ask Aldo questions --
through moi (!  While
I can't promise to get every question answered,
yours may be one that we pick for a future 


The COOP had a reply below...
Meow Tel,
We'll be issuing an update shortly - apologies on the colloidal silver caution 
without enough context.  Some newbies were sending
some notes with some things that scared us that they weren't being careful.   

Re the Red Rice Yeast, we'll take another look.  I have a note into the 
consulting firm and have called into question the guy
assigned to us on this last set of questions.  The owner is first rate and I 
sent the note to him.  

Stay tuned.  We are working hard to support the Co-op members with quality and 
low prices.  We will be sure to give conflicting
sides fair play.  And, I'm thinking about creating a members' council of sorts, 
to preview things from the Co-op. 

Thanks for taking the time to write - I appreciate it, even if it stings a bit 

Yours truly,
