Anecdotal reports of allergy to silver have appeared on this list from time
to time.

Usually, they involved daily handling of jewelry-grade silver.  The symptoms
I remember were cracking and bleeding of the hands.

Perhaps  you can obtain some silver made with another process that has been
widely used topically without adverse effects and try that.  If there is no
reaction; it probably was that batch of silver. If there is still a reaction
it is probably a reaction to silver itself.  A superinfection caused by
killing off competing organisms is unlikely, because CS will probably kill
all of them.

Maybe it was a bug bite.  Maybe it was something else.  I would have put
silver on the bumps.  There has never been a report of PO consumption of CS
causing a rash on this list.

One lab that knows how to handle CS is:

Kimball Labs
(801) 571-3695

Lyle Kimball charges (last I checked) $100 for both the following:

1.  Determine total Ag/unit volume
2.  Levels of trace toxic elements such as iron, nickel, copper, lead.

He probably, at additional cost, tell you the ratio of dissolved monatomic
silver, commonly called "ionic" silver on this list to charged "silver
particles", that according to most references I have seen, are also called

He uses an atomic absorption spectrophototometer.

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: edkas...@pacbell []
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 10:43 AM
Subject: CS>Bad batch of CS

I made C-S with a 120 volt DC Rectifier (54VDC out) using distilled water.
It always comes out clear no flakes. I gave some to a patient of mine (I do
acupuncture and herbs) for cellulites and it worked great.

However another person reported :
after using it topically, I noticed I was very tired, so after a week, I
stopped. After a few days, I noticed a fairly big red mark on my leg, that
appeared like a bug bite. A few days later, bumps all over my body appeared,
and worsened. These bumps were smaller than the larger bump on my leg that
initially appeared. They itched very badly. I went to the doctor, and he
said it was probably an allergic
reaction, and put my on medication.

Is there a way (or lab) that I can get this tested?
Has anyone else similar experience?

Ed Kasper
Santa Cruz, California
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