It does sound like an allergic reaction, but not to the silver. The timing is
not right. If they were to have a reaction it would be expected when they were
applying it, not days later.


"edkas...@pacbell" wrote:

> I made C-S with a 120 volt DC Rectifier (54VDC out) using distilled water.
> It always comes out clear no flakes. I gave some to a patient of mine (I do
> acupuncture and herbs) for cellulites and it worked great.
> However another person reported :
> after using it topically, I noticed I was very tired, so after a week, I
> stopped. After a few days, I noticed a fairly big red mark on my leg, that
> appeared like a bug bite. A few days later, bumps all over my body appeared,
> and worsened. These bumps were smaller than the larger bump on my leg that
> initially appeared. They itched very badly. I went to the doctor, and he
> said it was probably an allergic
> reaction, and put my on medication.
> Is there a way (or lab) that I can get this tested?
> Has anyone else similar experience?
> Ed Kasper
> Santa Cruz, California
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