
Please keep on posting and ignore the school-marmish comments you might
receive.  No one has time to check every citation, and you are quite
right;  the article is well worth reading, just for the information
about the existance of mycoplasmic disease, which is indeed not well

I had mycoplasmic pneumonia in Japan -- there was an epidemic of it --
and I can say that those pathogens are postively evil, and very hard to
eradiate.   Recovery was very, very slow.   Hospitalizations here
exceeded 10,000 in a very shor time. 

Whether the outbreak was natural or not we will never know.  Everyone
knows that the religious cult AUM has been playing with bacterial
warfare for some time, and the group STILL exists.  I have little
confidence in the government efforts to control the activities. 

> All I can tell you is mycoplasma is a very new word even to doctors.  Many
> have not even heard of it yet.  I have two people with fibrmyalgia, two with
> chroans, two with lupus,  one with chronic fatigue syndrom, eleven with MS,
> one with interstitial cyctitis one with shingles.  These are all auto immune
> diseases.  They are all drinking CS and everyone of them is in remission.
>     The very simple way this was explained to me is that we all have
> mycoplasma on our bodies.  They are basically harmless until we have a
> stress of stome sort in our lives.  The explaination that our bodies attach
> them selves for no reason has never made sense to me.  Millions of perfectly
> created bodies just turn on the owner for no reason??????Please!!!!!  What I
> undersand (I have no medical background what so ever)  the mycoplasma
> (myco-----extremely tiny + plasma----no cell wall)  invade your cell during
> a stress.  The mycoplasma hides in your cell, takes the shape of your cell,
> feeds off of your cell.   Your immune system knows that there is a pathogen
> in your body and attacks.........but since the pathogen is so well hidden in
> your very own cell, it cannot be found by your immnue system.  Therefore, it
> attacks,but for a very good reason.  There is something there it cannot
> find.   Obviously, what ever cell it has invaded is the disease you will
> get.  CS very slowly and very subtly finds these mycoplasma and suffocates
> them.
>     I realize this is an over simplified explanation, but that is the only
> thing my simple uneducated mind can understand.
> Nancy
>  Original Message -----
> From: "C Creel" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 3:26 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Has anyone had success with CS and LUPUS?
> > Dear Nancy,
> >
> > You said:
> >
> > <<Check out mycoplasmas - Stealth Pathogens at
> > it's quite an eye opener.>>
> >
> >
> >
> > **    Have you read the articles from the citations?  I've read twelve of
> > them.
> > They don't support what this page is saying.   Most of them are very
> careful
> > to
> > say that mycoplasma is a co-factor but no causal relationship is evident.
> >
> >
> >    I'm puzzled as to how you can make a claim that mycoplasma is at the
> > root of CFS when statistics show that mycoplasma is present in only 30-35%
> > of people with CFS.
> >
> >   This is from
> >
> > "This allergic type of inflammation often results in heated, swollen, and
> > painful inflamed tissues, like those found in rheumatoid diseases,
> > fibromyalgia and many other autoimmune disorders like lupus and MS,
> Crohn's
> > and others."
> >
> >
> >    **  This type of writing is misleading.  It causes people to draw
> > incorrect
> > conclusions.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Catherine
> >
> >
> > --
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