IMHO, a prayer is a good idea especially with 10,000 volts.

the price has to be appropriately priced by the ml otherwise the new Agers
won't buy it.

good reading and intent.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Roe []
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 5:55 PM
Subject: CS>Elaborate Method for CS


Now here is a fellow that certainly knows how to make Colloidal Silver. The
process starts off real well and then just gets better and better. I
don't think you could make this on your kitchen table with allegator clips
but it makes for interstesting reading.


"How We Make Our Colloidal Silver

The Physics of it.

We make colloidal silver in half-gallon batches using a 10,000 volt A/C
transformer.  A bar of 99.99% pure silver is suspended from one electrode
into steam distilled water.  A small piece of 99.99% pure silver wire is
suspended from the other electrode just above the water.  The process is
very similar to that used to electroplate a precious metal onto an object
except that the absence of a receiving object at another electrode causes
the silver to remain in a colloidal suspension in the water.

On one cycle, high voltage electricity flows through the bar and tiny
particles of pure silver are separated from the bar and attempt to make
their way to the other electrode.  Since the wire is suspended above the
water, the silver cannot make it's way to the electrode and remains in a
colloidal suspension in the water.  On the other cycle, electricity flows
through the wire suspended above the water and a blue arc of electricity is
created between the wire and the water.  This is a null cycle and no silver
is added to the water.  The extreme heat of the arc slowly vaporizes the
silver from the tip of the wire and eventually the wire needs to be
replaced.  By use of a pendulum, we have determined that the perfect time to
allow this process to run is 2 hours and 35 minutes.

The Metaphysics of it.

During the process of making a batch of colloidal silver, the batch tank is
placed inside of a medium size Light Life Ring with a Feedback Coil and an
Accuvac Coil attached on opposite sides of the Ring.  This is intended to
put a very high positive charge on the water in the batch tank.  You can
learn more about this technology by going to Slim Spurling's website at     Additionally, the batch tank is placed on
a Personal Harmoniser developed by the Center For Implosion Research based
on the work of Viktor Schauberger.  To learn more about this technology you
may view the information at   This imbues
the colloidal silver with a vortex energy.

After a batch of colloidal silver is finished, we add gem elixirs prepared,
in distilled water, from Charoite, Kunzite and Modavite.  Charoite is
characterized as the stone for this age and provides for a synthesis between
the heart and the crown chakras and combines the higher spiritual dimensions
with unconditional love from the physical plane.  Kunzite activates the
heart chakra and aligns the heart chakra with the throat chakra and the
third eye.  It synthesizes the energies to produce loving thoughts and
loving communication.  Modavite is of extra-terrestrial origin and was
formed 15 million years ago.  Modavite holds immense potential for direct
inter-dimensional accessing of higher dimensional galactic energies.  We
were guided to create each of these elixirs over the last two years with the
most recent addition being Modavite.  The Guidance received is that these
elixirs create a vibrational environment that is conducive to healing and
physical vibrancy.

We have also been Guided to add a small amount of colloidal gold to each
bottle of colloidal silver.  It is suggested that colloidal gold adds an
element of mental peace and tranquility that is further conducive to
healing.  Finally, we have recently been taught special Blessings from
Archangel Michael that enhance the healing qualities and efficacy of the
colloidal silver.  Each batch of colloidal silver is Blessed in accordance
with these teachings. We also add just a little bit of Lingam Water blessed
for healing by Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Using a technique from the book "The Message from Water" by Dr. Emoto, we
place a small label under the main label which has the words "Love", "Divine
Healing", "Grace" and "Perfection" to imbue those vibrations into the
colloidal silver.  In this book, Dr. Emoto proves scientifically that water
has a consciousness and a memory and responds in a very dramatic way to our
words and prayers.  Anyone who sees and understands the message of this
book, will experience a permanent shift in consciousness and thus know and
believe how prayer heals.

Since adding these sacred and energetic processes to the creation of our
colloidal silver, we are getting very encouraging feedback from clients who
report greatly improved results.  Two clairvoyants have reported seeing
energy radiations extending out 15 feet from the bottles of colloidal

Indeed, we believe that the physics of our process of making colloidal is
superior and the bio-availability of the colloidal silver is extremely high.
The particle size and the strength of the charge on the silver produces at
least a two year shelf life.  Then, when the powerful, spiritually guided,
metaphysical components are added, the result is a colloidal silver that is
a notch above any other colloidal silver available.  Try our colloidal
silver and experience the difference and then tell us about your results so
that we can share them with others."

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