Or here for $24.94   http://www.sunstoneherbals.com/cs-shop.htm
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ


> so far I've had my CS generator for maybe 2 weeks. it's from
> www.sunstoneherbals.com (you might be able to get a better picture
> than my description. it's the plastic casing type. fresh batteries, 2
> week old .9999 silver electrodes. make about 8OZ of CS daily. i guess
> thats it.
>      ----- Original Message -----
>      From: Ivan Anderson
>      Sounds like something is wrong, Pat.
>      Run through the specs of your generator and process for me
>      (forgive me
>      if you have noted them already).
>      Ivan
>      -----Original Message-----
>      pat wrote
>      usually when I make my CS I make then drink it but if I let
>      it sit I
>      get black clumps that sank to the bottom. I guess I have
>      good
>      distilled water. the water jug says it's UV light micron
>      filtered,
>      distilled and ozonated. lead, sodium, nitrate, and arsenic
>      are all
>      non-detectable. sounds good. got it from Wal Mart. should I
>      filter my
>      CS or drink it all?
>      pat wrote:
>      >every time I make my CS I get the black fuzzy stuff which I
>      use a
>      coffee filter to get out. but at the bottom of my glass I
>      get this
>      yellowish gold stuff that collects at the bottom and when I
>      pour the
>      CS from one cup to another to filter the black stuff that
>      yellow stuff
>      sticks to the bottom of the original glass. do I want that
>      or not?
>      what is it?
>      Dean wrote:
>      The black fuzzy stuff (if it's black, not brownish) is
>      silver oxide.
>      If you have some brownish stuff that drops to the bottom
>      when you're
>      making CS, it's sub-microscopic particles of silver
>      surrounding tiny
>      bits of hydrogen.  You might also be talking about
>      "floaties," which
>      are microscopic particles of silver that are clumped
>      together with
>      some oxygen bubbles to help them float (if the oxygen
>      bubbles are
>      released, then they'll sink to the bottom).
>      Assuming you use good distilled water and .999 (or better)
>      fine silver
>      *with no additives to help it go faster,* then none of the
>      black,
>      brown or "gold stuff" will hurt you.  They're all just
>      silver in
>      different physical forms and are non-toxic.
>      -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF
>      --
>      The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
>      colloidal
>      silver.
>      Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
>      http://silverlist.org
>      To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>      Silver-list archive:
>      http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
>      List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>