Dear Guest of!
by David P. Amrein

Now is a good time to travel to Hong Kong. Flights are cheap, you have your
own flight attendant all to
yourself, hotel rooms are readily available, no waiting lines anywhere, and
no need to be afraid of
SARS either. Read below.

In this issue:

  1.Spring Special ends April 27
  2.News on SARS
  3.Quackbusters Lose Yet Another Law Suit

1. Spring Special ends April 27

Note that the spring special ends April 27 which is tomorrow. There are three
spring specials: Dr.
Clark's parasite and kidney cleanse, by itself, with a zapper or with MiniFG
frequency generator at a
substantial discount. Check it out on

Please note that we cannot accept any late orders for specials. Deadline is
27 April midnight California

2. News on SARS

Here is why I think you should make use of the current low fares to Hong

     Stressless traveling!
     No waiting lines anywhere!
     low fares!
     hotel rooms available anywhere!
     and no need to worry about a new hype called SARS!

Let me explain. In an e-zine 2 weeks ago I suspected that science in the case
of SARS was once again
jumping to conclusions, like it has in the case of HIV ( and
( The evidence for this being the case has
increased considerably over
the past couple of weeks.

Consider the following facts:

     In 1996, a normal year, about 4000 people in Hong Kong died of pneumonia
(source: No one went into a state of hysteria over it.
     The list of SARS symptoms is indistinguishable from the symptoms of
ordinary pneumonias and
     The Corona virus purported to be causing SARS has not been proven to
cause anything yet and is
     not present in 60% of "SARS" cases in Canada.

So why jump on the bandwagon and worry about this man made epidemic? Free
your mind to think of
important things while your friends run around hypnotized.

A well written critical web site on SARS is Also check
out Jon Rappoport's web
site for information about SARS. He has a lot of good
information about
other topics too, some of them relating to health issues such as the HIV/AIDS

By the way, I do not get any commissions from the Hong Kong tourism board.
Note that this is my
own humble opinion which should never be considered medical advice. For
medical advice consult with
your medical doctor.

Have a good weekend!
David P. Amrein
President, Dr. Clark Research Association

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ

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