That's assuming that the experiment didn't take transmission possibilities into account and isolate the experiment from the general population. What sort of idiot wouldn't do that?

Silver is commonly used to sterilize surfaces and water supplies [NASA does that]. It's not at all difficult to prove that it works [or doesn't]. It's known and accepted by both the American EPA and the Canadian counterparts of the EPA that silver kills microbes quite effectively and is virtually non toxic to mammals. It's in their water quality standards reports. Almost any good reference book less than 40 years old mentions that quality.
Why not air? [Hey, find out, right?]

The problem is that people don't read their own 'bibles' and defer literacy to the programmed priesthood of the black or white world who can't [or won't] read with a discernment adequate to tell tons from micrograms.

Well, maybe Holy water is good stuff...but it ain't the only water around.


    I'm talking about a high medical risk because it is not a certainty that
would not infect others.   I'm not sure what you mean by the risk of
being laughed at.  But I can assure you that no one will be laughing if
I present something they have no experience with and then tell them
to nebulize it when they aren't nebulizing anything right now.  If you're
talking about being laughed at for the idea overall, yes, this would be
a concern for two reasons.  First, I'm trying to take advantage of the
opening to introduce CS to conventional medicine.  I want them to
seriously consider the idea. Second, I am concerned about the reputation
I've managed to cultivate in this group.  It's not every day that a person
who walks in the alternative medicine world is considered a peer by
and scientists.  I'm not about to do anything to damage this.  I'm playing
by their
rules and hopefully, I can get them to see the value of CS.  Then THEY can
figure out
how to administer it (with a few subtle hints).


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