Dear Shizua, 
  Hi, I`m Marshalee, an oldie around here. Welcome to the list!!
  Do you make your own CS yet? 
  I have an FAQ I can email you, if you want it, as well as directions for a 
simple generator that works quite well. JLMK
  I used CS to cure Lyme Disease; 6 years worth of antibiotics couldn`t knock 
   but CS did in short order.
  Good riddance!
  CS is great stuff.

  Hello all!  My name is Shizua Oliver purposes for joining this list was 
to learn more about CS and its uses.

  I feel a little out of my league here.  Everyone is talking about things I 
cannot comprehend.  H202, DM, DMSO, etc.  It is like joining a calculus class 
in the middle of the school year. Ha!  But seriously, I am a total virgin with 
anything regarding CS I do want to know more.  Does anyone know if there is a 
publication or site that can kind of take me by the hand and educate me on how 
CS works and how to make my own, from a totally elementary standpoint?

  All your help will be appreciated.

  Thank You.

  Shizua Oliver

  Doggies: Dru, Cookie, Spike
  Kitties: Megalito & Tequila

  "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"