Hi, Listers,
I`m back home after a ten-day trip to Napa, CA to help my sister. The one
with MS, diabetes, COPD and possibly cancer.
She`s really miserable and so the house was a major mess...there were even
maggots in the dirty dishes! Yuck!
What a job. Too bad I have to move there in December. Sigh...
  Anyway, when I asked about Lupus a while ago, I was asking if anyone knew
anything about it, not how to fix it. I`d like to know what the usual
symptoms are. I`m wondering if that might be my problem...I have aches in
most of my joints now, and the Xrays showed arthritis in both feet and
ankles, and the one knee they Xrayed, and an older one showed it in my
The CS has gotten rid of the Lyme, but now what do I do for all the aches??

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