> I`m wondering if that might be my problem...I have aches in
> most of my joints now, and the Xrays showed arthritis in both feet and
> ankles, and the one knee they Xrayed, and an older one showed it in my
> spine.
> The CS has gotten rid of the Lyme, but now what do I do for all the
> Suggestions?

Hi Marshalee ~

I'd suggest a zapper, electronic pulser, or the like.  Mine removed ALL of
my back pain and I have 3 bulging disks and the whole right side of my body
is pulled forward, plus eliminated my carpal tunnel.  As Joy has suggested,
MSM works well for pain as well, tho it must be taken or applied to the area
w/DMSO daily to keep the pain away.

Would further suggest Pete Egoscue's book(s) Pain Free; Pain Free for Women;
Pain Free at Your PC.  His website is at http://www.egoscue.com and after
registering (free) you can pick one of three postures that apply to you and
obtain specific exercises to strengthen your musculoskeletal system, which
is greatly what he advises is the cause of 'arthritic' type pains.

Don't envy you moving to your sister's in December! :-(  Sounds like both
she and her house are a major mess...

Hugs & Howls,

Julie & Critters

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